Magnesium (Mg)

Human GmbH
Trace Elements
Brief Description
Magnesium measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of hypo- and hypermagnesemia. When making clinical assessment of magnesium levels the calcium levels should also be considered. The best-defined manifestation of magnesium deficiency is impairment of neuromuscular function e.g. hyperirritability, tetany, convulsions, and electrocardiographic changes.
Hypomagnesemia: Observed in diabetes, chronic alcoholism, forced diuresis, hyperthyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, hypocalcemia, malabsorption and acute pancreatitis. Hypermagnesemia: Increased serum magnesium levels have been found in cases of renal failure, dehydration, severe diabetic ketoacidosis and Addison's disease. Colorimetric test for the quantitative determination of magnesium in human serum and plasma (no EDTA plasma).