Rheumatoid Factors (RF)

Human GmbH
Brief Description
Rheumatoid factors are autoantibodies (IgM, IgG) directed against the Fc-part of human IgGs. High titres of rheumatoid factors are found in different rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid diseases. Higher titres of rheumatoid factors are more common in patients with rapidly progressive joint destruction and in those with extraarticular manifestations such as subcutaneous rheumatic nodules. Positive rheumatoid factors are also seen in autoimmune rheumatic diseases and in non-rheumatic conditions with variable frequency e.g. SLE, Sjögren’s syndrome, subacute bacterial endocarditis and other bacterial infections, infectious hepatitis, chronic liver diseases, chronic active pulmonary diseases, parasitic infections and viral infections. Rheumatoid factors should not be the only criteria in the diagnosis of rheumatoid disease but be considered in conjunction with clinical symptoms.
Immunoturbidimetric test for the quantitative determination of rheumatoid factors (IgM) in human serum.